Update #3 — Building a Blog in Public — 1st Email Subscriber
Got the 1st email subscriber and all the pages have been indexed in Google now.
2 min readMar 16, 2022
Hey folks!
It’s the 3rd week since I started to build an SEO blog in public and it’s been great overall.
Last time I mentioned that only some pages were indexed in Google, that problem has been resolved and now all the pages are properly indexed in Google.
Let’s take a look at the progress so far:
- One person has subscribed to the 7-day SEO email course, that’s featured on the homepage. We are not actively promoting it as the content for the course is not ready yet.
- This week, we both were busy with some other stuff so haven’t been able to publish 3 weekly posts as decided. We have only managed to publish 1 post and it’s the longest and most detailed on the site as of now. You can see the post below, I’m sure you will love the format.
👉 Core Web Vital Tools to Improve Your Site’s Performance
- The site has completed 5 clicks from Google Search and I received a congratulatory email from Google for that. You can see the screenshot below.
That’s it for this week.
You can see the other updates below:
- Update #1 — Public Announcement (March 2, 2022) 📍
See ya!
Originally published at https://deepakness.com on March 16, 2022.